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photo of HR-Adviseur (28-36 uur)

HR-Adviseur (28-36 uur)

Omdat onze fijne collega Babette doorgroeit als HR manager bij ons zuster bedrijf, zijn wij opzoek naar een collega!Ben jij die enthousiaste HR-professional die energie krijgt van het werken in een dynamische en bloeiende omgeving? Houd je van snel schakelen in een dynamische omgeving? En zie jij het als jouw missie om binnen een organisatie echt het verschil te maken? Dan zoeken wij jou!

  • Human Resources
  • 33-40 uur
photo of Laadmeester


Ben jij die doortastende, stressbestendige persoon die altijd het overzicht bewaard, zelfs tijdens de drukste momenten van de logistiek? Zorg jij ervoor dat elke zending precies op tijd op de juiste vrachtwagen terechtkomt? Dan hebben wij de perfecte rol voor jou!

  • Logistiek
  • Fulltime
photo of Supply chain planner

Supply chain planner

Ben jij klaar voor een carrière waar jouw organisatietalent, probleemoplossend vermogen en passie voor logistiek écht tot bloei komen? 

  • Logistiek
  • 33-40 uur
” alt=”photo of Zoë Oberoi”>

Zoë Oberoi

Jr. Marketing and communication officer

Unlike many of my colleagues who have worked here for years, I have only recently joined OZ-Hami. Right from the start, however, I felt the warm family atmosphere here. Many people have known each other for years, but they are hugely open to new faces. Thanks to this open attitude, I soon felt part of the OZ-Hami family. I currently work as a marketing and communications officer. Every week, I have fun creating content from the beautiful flowers we send with care every day. It remains impressive to see the logistics process every day. Every day is different, which is exactly what I love about the flower business. The supply of flowers varies daily, which often requires switching. Although I have no background in the flower industry myself, fortunately there are plenty of colleagues who can and are passionate about flowers. Their enthusiasm and knowledge ensured that I was able to settle in quickly and now enjoy contributing to the team. Cooperation a big plus. Despite still being new, I always feel supported by my colleagues. Everyone is willing to help. This collegiality and team spirit make the work not only productive, but also very enjoyable. All this adds up to me closing my laptop every working day with a smile and (hopefully) a bunch of flowers.

photo of Medewerker logistiek fust

Medewerker logistiek fust

Heb je een passie voor plannen en weet je altijd het overzicht te bewaren, zelfs in de jungle van logistiek? Krijg je energie van het idee dat jij de onmisbare spil bent in het transport van onze prachtige bloemen, die dagelijks over de hele wereld verspreid worden? Dan hebben wij dé plek voor jou in ons team!

  • Logistiek
  • Fulltime
photo of Meewerkend voorman fust

Meewerkend voorman fust

Ben jij klaar voor een uitdaging waarbij geen enkele dag hetzelfde is? Op de afdeling Fust stroomt het iedere dag van de activiteit. Honderden fusten worden door onze klanten geretourneerd, en daarnaast is er een constante interne fuststroom die beheerd moet worden. Samen met je team zorg je voor een efficiënte doorstroom van de fusten, waarbij jij het voortouw neemt. Je werkt nauw samen met de teamleider om ervoor te zorgen dat alles elke dag op rolletjes loopt. 

  • Logistiek
  • Fulltime
photo of Logistics Employee Export

Logistics Employee Export

Do you like having flowers in your hands every day? You see every trolley as a new puzzle that you put together as efficiently as possible. As a logistics export employee, you make sure that the flowers arrive neatly to the end customer. When the puzzle has been put together, you look with pride at the end result.

  • Logistiek
  • 33-40 uur
photo of Stage Logistiek & Supply Chain

Stage Logistiek & Supply Chain

Help jij mee om ons logistieke proces te verbeteren?Ben jij data gedreven, creatief, heb je kennis van logistieke processen en droom jij ervan om zelfstandig een verbetervoorstel te schrijven? Dan zijn we op zoek naar jou!

  • Logistiek
  • 33-40 uur
photo of Medewerker logistiek Ingang

Medewerker logistiek Ingang

Zijn bloemen helemaal jouw ding en wil jij graag werken in een gezellig team? Ben jij een echte aanpakker? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou!

  • Logistiek
  • 33-40 uur
” alt=”photo of OZ-Hami celebrates 65th anniversary!”>
1 July 2024

OZ-Hami celebrates 65th anniversary!

The year 2024 marks an important milestone for OZ-Hami, as it will be 65 years since Arie Ofman and Klaas van Zijverden founded OZ Export. A good reason to celebrate this iron jubilee with a big party. On May 25, with the central theme of “Crazy Town,” this milestone was celebrated with a huge party, including cocktail bar, photo booth, VIP room and various food trucks. What made this anniversary extra special was the fact that this was the first joint OZ-Hami celebration since the merger of OZ Export and Hamifleurs in 2020. After several challenging years, all OZ-Hami colleagues can be proud of where OZ-Hami stands today: the merger has made the organization stronger, more future-proof and this anniversary symbolizes the resilience of OZ-Hami and its rich (shared) history. We look back on an evening with a golden edge and look confidently to the future, together with our great team of colleagues, growers, customers and other valuable associates!

photo of Logistiek medewerker bloemenexport

Logistiek medewerker bloemenexport

Houd jij ervan om elke dag bloemen in je handen te hebben? Iedere kar zie jij als een nieuwe puzzel die jij zo efficiënt mogelijk legt. Als medewerker logistiek bloemenexport zorg jij ervoor dat de bloemen met fusten en los verpakte bloemen netjes aankomen bij de eindklant. Wanneer de puzzel is gelegd, kijk jij vol trots naar het eindresultaat dat er schilderachtig uitziet.

  • Logistiek
  • 33-40 uur
” alt=”photo of Robert Donicie”>

Robert Donicie

Logistics team leader

Ever since I was born, I came into daily contact with flowers. After all, I grew up among the roses grown by my uncle and my father. The older I got the more often I started helping. We often made bunches of our roses to give away to friends and family. That’s basically how I stuck in the flower business all my life. I am currently working as team leader packing and sorting centre at OZ-Hami. After an open application, I started at trolley construction and then went through a number of departments. It was a very nice experience to work in different departments, and this way I have a good understanding of what happens in each department. It is a satisfaction and challenge to ensure that the flowers we process and pack in the department go to the customer in the best possible way. Whether by highway or by air. Together with my team, we try to ensure satisfied customers every day in a nice working atmosphere. It makes me happy to be part of this beautiful and great company. Besides hard work, we also thoroughly enjoy company parties or an organised staff association activity.

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” alt=”photo of OZ-Hami celebrates 65th anniversary!”>
1 July 2024

OZ-Hami celebrates 65th anniversary!

The year 2024 marks an important milestone for OZ-Hami, as it will be 65 years since Arie Ofman and Klaas van Zijverden founded OZ Export. A good reason to celebrate this iron jubilee with a big party. On May 25, with the central theme of “Crazy Town,” this milestone was celebrated with a huge party, including cocktail bar, photo booth, VIP room and various food trucks. What made this anniversary extra special was the fact that this was the first joint OZ-Hami celebration since the merger of OZ Export and Hamifleurs in 2020. After several challenging years, all OZ-Hami colleagues can be proud of where OZ-Hami stands today: the merger has made the organization stronger, more future-proof and this anniversary symbolizes the resilience of OZ-Hami and its rich (shared) history. We look back on an evening with a golden edge and look confidently to the future, together with our great team of colleagues, growers, customers and other valuable associates!

” alt=”photo of OZ-Hami is helpingHoney Highway”>
19 April 2024

OZ-Hami is helpingHoney Highway

Enthusiastic employees of the businesses on the VBA South property planted 5,600 gestation plants and flower shrubs, making Bee Park VBA South a reality. Following 35,000 square feet of flowers and 80 mature apple trees, the blooming season is now even more lush and longer, providing food for wild bees and a beautiful sight. Biodiversity that employees can walk through! The work around the bus stops, footbridge and exit to Royal FloraHolland in Aalsmeer is now almost complete. It is now high time to reseed the surrounding lands as Honey Highway. The businesses in and around this area are obviously closely involved, so that together the biodiversity on VBA South is increased. Currently, no other business park in the Netherlands has so much biodiversity Dozens of different Dutch flowering plants and flower shrubs have been planted, ensuring a prolonged flowering period. The pollen and nectar from these plants provide food for bees, butterflies, all insects, birds, pheasants, hares, and in the process, biodiversity creates healthy soil. Collaborating with Honey Highway Honey Highway created the bee park design and planting plan, this ensures that 5,600 proper plants and shrubs are in the field on time. Together with Eijkelboom’s workmen, five days of hard work will see an amazing Bee Park come to fruition. We at OZ-Hami, along with the other companies of Dutch Flower Group, are hugely involved, putting on hooded boots and also experiencing how fun and meaningful it is; nature education, team building and just being outside with each other. Looking ahead to summer Deborah Post, Honey Highway: “The goal is to see it teeming in the summer with bees, butterflies, little birds, pheasants who can find their food to survive in the otherwise barren environment of grasslands and large logistics halls in and around Aalsmeer. Thank you entrepreneurs!”

” alt=”photo of OZ-Hami Launches Preferred Partner Program”>
5 January 2024

OZ-Hami Launches Preferred Partner Program

OZ-Hami is proud to announce the launch of its Preferred Partner Program. This initiative aims to strengthen, expand and take cooperation with key growers to the next level. The Preferred Partner Program promises a new era of cooperation between OZ-Hami and its partners with a commitment to a lasting relationship with great benefits for both parties. The program offers OZ-Hami’s growers a preferential position in terms of promotion, marketing, and strategic insights. By leveraging joint knowledge, experience and expertise, OZ-Hami and the Preferred Partners strive for global success. As a Preferred Partner, you will receive annual promotion as Grower of the Week, monthly sales dates, invitations to (exclusive) events, and broad visibility in the office, web shops, and social media, among other things!