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OZ-HamiandZentoojoin hands forMela For Her

On March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day worldwide to express our solidarity for women’s rights and equality. Every year, this traditionally means a very busy period for OZ-Hami and partner Zentoo. In fact, International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries with flowers, including many chrysanthemums.

Although these millions of chrysanthemums are grown in the Netherlands, the origin of each branch is often thousands of miles away, in Ethiopia, among other places. Although chrysanthemum cuttings are able to thrive under good conditions in Ethiopia, unfortunately this is not true for a large proportion of girls and women in the rest of the country. Many face oppression, inequality, and crime on a daily basis.

Mela for Her

Mela for Her, an Ethiopian NGO, addresses the problem of inaccessible menstrual products. With 72% of women in Ethiopia unable to afford these products, many girls and women stay home from school or work during their periods, hampering their development and women’s rights. Mela for Her provides education and affordable, reusable menstrual products, enabling girls and women in need to continue participating in education and employment.

#FlowersForHer promotion

In light of Women’s Day, OZ-Hami and Zentoo, in collaboration with Dutch Flower Foundation, joined forces to do their part to contribute to this beautiful work by raising as much money as possible for Mela for Her. Especially for this promotion, Zentoo created a unique premium Women’s Day box exclusively for OZ-Hami. In partnership with Dutch Flower Foundation, an amount for each box sold was donated to Mela for Her.

In the end, the campaign resulted in a contribution of 5,500.00 to Mela for Her, which enabled the purchase of 1,600 menstrual kits and more than met the goal of 1,500.

A fantastic result for women and girls in Ethiopia!