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Brian Vogel

Account Manager

I have been working in flower export since I was 19. I have mainly always worked in air freight to distant destinations, where I learnt the complexities and challenges of logistics and transporting flowers. I also used to buy in for several years. Thanks to this experience, I know what is going on in the market and understand that procurement is not always easy. These super valuable experiences have made it easier for me to work effectively with my colleagues in procurement. Since about 10 years, I have found out that selling is really my thing. The contact with customers I have every day is something I really enjoy and find enriching. The flowers we sell are packed in boxes and taken to their faraway destination via air freight. There are many factors to consider here. In this line of business, it’s all about the details. The process of constantly improving and innovating everything we do is what I love about my job. Especially when customers come with special requests, I see it as a challenge to organise everything as well as possible and exceed their expectations. It gives me immense satisfaction to see our flowers arrive at their destination in perfect condition, knowing that I contributed to that success.