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Linda Ceelen


I have now been working at OZ-Hami for more than 12 years and still enjoy working there. What I love about my job is that we are responsible for the finishing touches. What the customer wants, we try to provide. Mooi ingezakt met een barcode erop zodat het makkelijk verkocht kan worden. “Done!” Een mooie mix van bloemen maken. “Geen probleem.” Kou-gevoelige bloemen warm inpakken. “Sure, after all, we want customers to get good quality.” And knowing that our work, our product, our flowers go all over the world and create happy faces everywhere is something I find special and am proud of.

Not everything goes abroad, by the way; we also sponsor great initiatives in the Netherlands. Last year, for instance, we delivered small bouquets to participants of NLdoet, we co-sponsored the annual ‘tulip garden’ on Dam Square in Amsterdam, and, among other things, our flowers were in the church at the coronation of King Willem-Alexander. That really puts a smile on my face that we got to do that. Besides flowers being very beautiful products (after all, a party without flowers looks sparse), I stayed here for the atmosphere. In my view, OZ-Hami has become big by staying small. We are not a small company, certainly, but we treat each other very familially. It is cosy, informal and we help each other. I have enjoyed working here for over a decade now, and hope to continue working here for a long time to come.